Here are some practical locations of where you can keep your emergency card and tag:
Place the emergency card in a dedicated slot in your purse or wallet. This keeps it readily accessible and ensures it's always with you, especially when you’re out and about.
Slide the emergency card into the slot behind your cellphone case. This way, you have both your phone and critical information in one place, making it easy to access during emergencies.
Attach an emergency tag to your key ring. This ensures that your critical information is always with your keys, which are often carried with you wherever you go.
For added security and keeping essential information close, especially for children or active individuals who go out running, walking or participating in sport, you can attach a small emergency tag to a shoelace.
Secure an emergency tag to your bike - this is particularly useful for lone cyclists, as it ensures that emergency information is available in case of an accident or medical issue while riding.
Attach an emergency tag to your mobility scooter where it is visible. This helps ensure that your medical details are easily accessible.
For individuals using a walking stick or frame, an emergency tag can be attached securely to provide immediate access to critical information if needed.
Attach the tag or insert the card into a clear plastic pocket and attach to the clip of a lanyard to wear around your neck, either visible on the outside of your clothing, or tucked within it.
Using a cable tie attach an emergency tag to a bag’s zip or handle.
Attach your emergency tag to a golf bag or trundler, offering peace of mind on the course.
These placement options ensure that your emergency card and tag are easily accessible in various situations, providing peace of mind and quick access to crucial information when it matters most.